1 Aikelan-DCU jumper schematic diagram
1. Physical jumper diagram
2. Schematic diagram of jumper wires
DCU power supply + 4M pin, ground 4L pin, ignition J1 pin, diagnostic CANH-2A pin, and diagnostic CANL-1A pin.
3. DCU appearance diagram
2 Bosch DNOx2.0-DCU jumper schematic diagram
1. Physical jumper diagram
2. Schematic diagram of jumper wires
DCU power supply +32/33 pin, ground -21/22 pin, ignition pin 12, K communication pin 5, CAN1H pin 31, CAN1L pin 30, CAN2H pin 29, CAN2L-28 pin.
3. DCU appearance diagram
3 Bosch DNOx2.2-DCU jumper schematic diagram
1. Physical jumper diagram
2. Schematic diagram of jumper wires
DCU power supply + 206/207/208/209 pin, ground -201/202/203/204/205 pin, ignition pin 252, calibration diagnosis CAN2H pin 211, calibration diagnosis CAN2L pin 212, brush writing, Diagnose CAN1H No. 214 pin, flash diagnosis CAN1L No. 215 pin.
3. DCU appearance diagram
4 Dongfeng ACM-DCU jumper schematic diagram
1. Physical jumper diagram
2. Schematic diagram of jumper wires
DCU power supply+31/32/46/47 pin, ground-01/02/16/17 pin, ignition 37 pin, J1939 communication CAN high-43 pin, J1939 communication CAN low-42 pin, J2284 Communication +-41th pin, J2284 communication -40th pin.
3. DCU appearance diagram